Replacing missing teeth can be a lengthy and even complicated issue for most people. Having to deal with gaps can leave you feeling embarrassed and even frustrated. Sometimes, life happens, and there is no way of avoiding this specific type of problem. A minor car collision, an accidental fall, or even a hard tackle on the field can lead to missing teeth.

While this is an unpleasant situation, we assure you that effective solutions are available when you book an appointment with Blue Mountains Dental & Implant Centre. These include dental implants or dental bridges treatment, but how do you decide what’s best for your needs?

Read on to learn more about how these options differ and their benefits to help you make an informed decision about your oral health.

Understanding Dental Bridges

Dental bridges, as the name implies, are a fixed structured solution to missing teeth. It is a method whereby a “bridge of two or more teeth” is supported with crowns that are attached to the adjacent natural teeth.

This bridge is made to look like an artificial tooth to create the look of a complete set of teeth. Dental bridges are usually a quick and easy procedure and can help restore your smile in two appointments. Moreover, dental bridges require minimal preparation when compared to dental implants.

Understanding Dental Implants

Dental implants, on the other hand, are seen as a more independent long-term, permanent solution to missing teeth. It is essentially a tooth replacement made of composite materials ranging from porcelain to metal alloys and more. These “teeth” have posts that act as artificial roots that are placed surgically into the jawbone. Once integrated or fused, they create a strong base for attaching crowns.

The Benefits and Limitations of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges treatment is a reliable solution that offers fast results. It avoids the surgery phase as the bridge is attached to sound existing teeth

However, it is important to note that while bridges are a long-term solution, this method requires healthy supporting teeth on either side as supports for it to be successful. It also does not resolve potential bone loss, which can compromise your dependency on the bridge over time.

Benefits and Limitations of Dental Implants

Dental implants do not require the support of adjacent teeth and are particularly successful in areas where the posterior teeth are missing, or gaps are present. They are fully independent and durable, This solution aims to prevent bone loss with density maintenance and help you avoid the sunken appearance of missing teeth Once the surgery has been completed and the implants have integrated, the crowns are fitted easily and, in most cases, no anaesthetic is required, giving a natural looking long lasting smile.

In addition, there are a few limitations to consider with implants, including the high initial cost of the procedure, the lengthy treatment time frame, and the invasive nature of this treatment. The total teatment period compared to fixed bridgework is notably long, with a number of sessions before the final attachment of your prosthetic teeth however the long-term reward with implant treatments is an independent bridge or crown which does not affect the adjacent teeth.

Discuss all your options with your dentist and make an informed decision based on your individual circumstances. Both dental bridges treatment and dental implants have significant advantages to consider, but there are also a few downsides to keep in mind to ensure that you make the right decision.

Explore your options for missing teeth with Blue Mountains Dental & Implant Centre. Call us today to regain your smile.